What are the 5 examples of visual communication?

Visual communication is the latest trend reshaping the brand's communication across various digital marketing channels. Visual communication is the use of visual or graphic aids to communicate complex ideas and information more simply and engagingly.

The MIT AOE School of Design (MITSD) is at the forefront of this revolutionary profession, educating pupils how to design packaging that not only protects and preserves products but also communicates brand values and engages consumers on a deeper level. The article investigates how packaging design connects people and develops a sense of belonging, with a special emphasis on sustainable design methods and the role of education in this dynamic business.

As the human brain has better and faster processing for visuals, it is 80% of what you see that influences your mindset.

Moreover, it is expected that nearly 50% of businesses will rely on visual communication by the end of 2024. This clearly defines the importance of visual communication to empower the company to achieve success and goals.

By simply integrating some visual content for communicating, businesses can boost their performance in a significant way. Let us indulge in exploring the top 5 examples of visual communication to convey relevant information, emotions, and ideas without any language barriers.

Top 5 Examples Of Visual Communication

It is easier to engage and resonate with the audience at a deeper level with visual communication than the other forms. Visual communication makes a lasting impression on the audience; thus, it should be learned from a structured bachelor of design course.

1. Infographics:

Infographics are powerful tools for simplifying complex ideas into engaging visual storytelling as they give a clear and interesting narrative of the content. Infographics combine graphics, text, icons, images, etc. to communicate valuable insights, comparisons, statistics, etc. These are great for passing the relevant information in a simple and alluring way so the audience can comprehend the complex ideas just at a glance.

Infographics leverage visual storytelling to satisfy the customers' needs with relevant insights and data. These are impactful and easy to understand; thus, are used for marketing and advertising, education, data journalism, etc. Infographics foster deeper and clearer understanding with high conversion and retention rates.

2. Charts and Graphs:

If you want to present numerical data and variable relationships with maximum ease and convenience, charts and graphs are the best way to do so. These are the fundamental visual tools that use bar charts, pie charts, line graphs, etc. to give a specific purpose for visualizing the facts.

They facilitate data analysis, reveal patterns, and compare the latest trends to enable better decision-making. Charts and graphs are majorly used in reports, presentations, research papers, etc. as it ensures easy data analysis. They present information in a concise, impactful, and compact form and thus, are one of the most used data visualization tools.

3. Photography:

Photography is the most influential way to visualize data, information, thoughts, and ideas. People are more attracted to visuals than text as they can easily resonate with them.

It is observed that information with relevant images is likely to get 94% more views than the details without any image. Also, photography receives better engagement from customers than videos or links. Visual communication is most effectively done by using clear, relevant, and unique photos in high resolutions.

Too much text and words can confuse the readers as to where to direct their focus; on the other hand, photography can present the relevant details without any hassles. Photography can portray your most important messages with utmost ease, clarity, and convenience for better understanding.

4. Videos:

Approximately, 80% of the people remember what they see as compared to only 20% who remember what they read. Additionally, 72% of people prefer learning and understanding using a video. This clearly validates the fact that videos stand out as the most appealing and engaging visual element for communication.

It is also interesting to know that modern audiences and users have a shorter attention span. As a result, a video can easily transfer the relevant information without distracting their attention. As a video combines both visual and audio elements, it ensures instant engagement significantly improving the conversion rates.

5. Logos and Branding:

Lastly, logos and branding leverage visual elements like images, colors, layout, etc. to convey the relevant message in a crispy and concise outlook. Many businesses use logos and branding to create awareness about their brand and promote their social events. To put it in simple words, logos and branding capture attention and evoke the emotions of the audience.

They are used for campaigns, cultural events, and advertising to attract the maximum engagement, retention, and conversion. Logos and branding are largely used to communicate, engage, and target the global audience to boost performance and productivity.


65% of people are visual learners, which improves focus, engagement, and concentration in students. Visual communication is important for the students to communicate their thoughts, ideas, and imagination in a clear, transparent, and concise way. As claimed by 98% of respondents, using visual aids while communicating improves the effectiveness of the message and improves its understanding.

MIT AOE ensures to master its students with visual communication to boost their global reach attracting better career and job opportunities. Its bachelor of design course is especially structured to emphasize learning, understanding, and implementing visual elements to maintain effective communication. The course also aims for students' holistic development by developing critical thinking, problem-solving, and leadership skills.